Saturday, June 13, 2015


Wow...who knew one word could hold so much fear, excitement, anticipation, trust, faith, reliance, and lessons all in one. I am just embarking on the path to raising $12,000 and in a lot of ways it seems daunting and impossible. But I know we serve a bigger God who is not limited by money or funds.

In so many ways asking for money is uncomfortable. It goes against society and the cultural norms of "supporting yourself." It is humbling and hard to admit that you honestly cannot do it on your own and have to ask for help. For me, as a teacher, I love and find joy when I can help others and support and serve them in so many ways. However, when it comes down to me needing help, it is a harder story.

For six weeks now, I have talked, prayed, and sought wisdom from people about fundraising for the Forge. I have walked away from some conversations feeling encouraged and from others feeling like I may not be able to do it...but that's where I have to stop myself - it is not me doing this at all it is the Lord. In this journey, I am simply walking in faith. So far, so many doors have been opened and I have to continue walking in and trusting that He will provide. And if there comes a point where that provision is not there, I know then that it is a closed door, but not now. For now, I am doing my part of honestly asking and seeking help, trusting and praying, and learning so much along the way.

I have always loved to "save my money" and agonize for days over the smallest purchases, but after four years of college, there is only a small amount in my savings, and as I continue to put that toward the Forge, I see that amount continuing to dwindle. However, instead of being sad about the amount going down, it is exciting to think that the Lord has given just enough so that I can be my first donor in this long journey. I have been praying and asking for who I should ask in this journey and where the money is going to come from. I will continue to pray, and also believe, truly believe, that the Lord will provide in this. From the few donations I have gotten already, tears have to come to eyes that people would actually want to support me in this and join my team of praying for this year. I am excited for all the ministry that will happen and the foundation that will be created to serve and glorify Him for the rest of my life.

If you are reading this and do feel like you are in a place to help support, any amount is appreciated with an open heart and hands filled with more gratitude than you will ever know. Prayer, however, as I am learning, is so much greater. I am thankful for all the times that this has been prayed for by so many people, and wish I could express how grateful I am for your support and encouragement in this journey and ministry. I hope to keep you updated as the progress continues to unfold this year.

With so much love and thankfulness,
