Support and Donate

Thank you for stopping in and sharing this journey with me. I really feel like this is where I am supposed to be right now and am excited to continue to share all that the Lord is teaching me and how He is using me. I appreciate all of your prayers throughout this next year. The support of my family and friends has meant the world throughout the beginning of this journey, and I couldn't do it without the prayers and encouragement from so many.

One of the requirements of each student is to help fundraise the operating cost of the program. Honestly, it is a little daunting, but I know the Lord is sovereign and faithful. I have committed to raise my share of $12,000 by March 1st, 2016. I am already committing $1,200 of my own funds towards the cost, but can afford little more. I am praying for some of my family and friends that might be able to help me make up the difference with a tax-deductible gift to the Forge. I’m looking to find a team of 5 people who would support me at $100/month, another 10 people who would support me at $50/month, and 14 people who would support me at $25/month for 8 months. A one-time gift is also an option, which would be a tremendous blessing as I go throughout this program. If you do feel like you could be one of those people, you can donate straight on The Forge's website at

Your prayers and support mean more than you could ever know over the next eight months. I look forward to keeping you updated throughout this journey. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

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