"Some of you read your Bibles like your iTunes service agreement -- you just click accept."
What makes one Bible student better than the other? ...What they can see.
Over the past few months, I have learned a lot about seeing. We are reading five chapters of the Bible every day from different sections of the Bible. We started in Genesis, 1 Samuel, Job, Isaiah and Matthew... Five different perspectives every day and the coolest thing is when they overlap and you get to see that as you read. We also are taking an Israel Prep class, where we are studying the Bible through the eyes of Israel and preparing ourselves for our journey in March. We have an Inductive Bible Study class, where we are learning how to study a book of the Bible and walking through how to Survey, Analyze, and Synthesize what we are studying. We are memorizing the whole book of 1 Peter, along with picking a passage that we want to study in the book and preparing a lesson on it to teach in the Spring. All of these things are helping us see...helping us understand what we so easily and often just "click accept" and base our life off of.
I love having a deeper understanding and a love for God's Word that is helping create a foundation and belief that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God, which is true and sufficient, more precious than gold and sweeter than honey.