Sunday, May 1, 2016

The end of a wonderful journey...

Well…the end of the Forge. What a journey it has been. Honestly, I can’t believe it’s already the end of eight months. The Lord has used these eight months in my life to teach me, challenge me, show me, sanctify me, and has never failed to show up in ways I never expected.

I learned the incredible blessing of provision. Seeing and experiencing his hand in providing in such a real and tangible way. $12,000. Sometimes I still can’t even believe it when I think about it, but what a neat way of being able to bless God, and see his hand once more in me being here this year.

I have learned the blessing of memorizing Scripture. 1st Peter. Five chapters. 105 verses. It seemed like the most daunting task at the beginning of the Forge, but now it seems like my heart didn’t know Scripture without knowing 1st Peter. There have been so many times where I have been able to reference a verse or a chapter, both for circumstances in my own life and to help encourage others. I have loved memorizing the entire book as well, as I have come to love knowing and understanding Scripture in the context as a whole. It has been a challenge, and one I hope to keep up throughout my life.

I have learned the sweetness and blessing of community. Living with 28 people…who would have ever thought. I have loved living through the ups and downs and highs and lows with these people who really have become my brothers and sisters and some of my dearest friends. Common experiences really do bond people, but what bonds people more is the love and shared faith in Jesus and the unity that happens when you submit to living under the Word.

I have learned the blessing of seeing. “What makes one Bible student better than the next?” “What he can see.” Seeing takes place in reading Scripture absolutely, but it also plays a role in every day life. Keeping your eyes open has become a key aspect of my life these eight months, and I think that is has helped me see so many things clearly.

I have learned the blessing of faith and obedience. Walking through Israel was one of the neatest few days, as I saw things and experienced things, but also learned that faith and obedience are really the cornerstones to a life submitted to Christ.

I have learned the blessing and power of prayer. Being on top of Mt. Arbel is something I will never forget. Coming to him as a daughter coming to her father, and simply asking and listening, praising him and blessing him for all of his provision.

I have learned the blessing and sweetness of remembering. I am a huge memory collector, and I love the discipline of being able to look back and not just reminisce on good times, but really remember and remember all that the Lord has taught me and all that he continues to teach. I hope I will remember these eight months in the Forge and never forget what the Lord has done and all that He will continue to do.

I think if I could sum up my journey in the Forge in a picture...I might choose this one... I love the analogy of a window being foggy, covered in ice, or dirty and smudged – you can see out of it, but you can’t see clearly. You can make things out and you are able to see the weather through some points in the glass, but as a whole nothing is very clear or precise. You miss most details and it’s hard to make out what is actually happening or what the weather is really like. Well, I think coming into the Forge, this is what I was looking at. I could see, I had a faith and a foundation, and it was strong enough and clear enough that it got me through several years, but throughout the eight months, the fog has gone away, the ice has melted, and the window cleaner has made it sparkling and clear. I can see and have a foundation that will continue to help me see clearly as I continue throughout the next steps of life. I know that windows can so easily become dirty, fingerprinted, and just fogged due to everyday use and life, however, I think I have tools that can help and that I know how to use to clean those windows and keep up daily maintenance, so that they never become too foggy to see out of. I know there will be times that they might get that way, but instead of panicking or thinking I need to completely replace the windows, I can have confidence in the One who can help me see again. The One who can help the windows become clear, by being in His Word, meditating on his Truth, and walking in faith and obedience. Realizing that it’s not about what I do, but what he does for me. That his grace is greater and more precious than I could ever know, and that he so graciously gives it is the greatest gift I could receive. Seeing clearly is one of the biggest takeaways and as I continue to walk in faith throughout my life, I know I will continue to grow and learn, and I hope that the glass continues to become clearer and clearer and maybe one day, I will realize that what I am looking at is not even through glass, but something open and as clear and as wide as the eye can see. I am thankful for these eight months, but I am even more thankful for the days that are to come and to see how the Lord uses this foundation to continue to teach me and use me for his Kingdom and for his glory.

Saturday, April 16, 2016


Dear Friends and Family,

I just wanted to write one final letter saying THANK YOU for all of your support over these last eight months. I have seen the Lord provide in so many ways this year, and many of you were the answer to many prayers, as $12,000 fully came in by March 1st.

This year has been full of so much discipleship, studying, learning, teaching, understanding, and building a foundation that I can rest my faith and hope on the rest of my life. I have learned the blessings that come along with faith and trust in Jesus Christ, and I am excited to continue to serve and teach all that I have learned this year.

As part of The Forge, we studied for two weeks in Israel, as a culmination of all that we had studied and learned throughout the entire year. Leslie Strader wrote it in a perfect way for the Tyler Morning Telegraph when she said, “Along the way, something shifted inside each of us. The bone-tiredness we all felt was offset by the beauty of what we saw. We were filled with a rare joy. Rare because we had seen and felt and smelled and touched things we knew were holy. Not holy as in something to be worshipped, but holy in how uncommon they were set against the notions we came with. We were replacing imagination with the real thing. To see where Jesus was born and lived his days on the earth, to dip your toes in the water he walked on and climb the mountainside where he went alone and prayed. To make yourself look at the place he suffered so that you might have life. And to step into the tomb those brave women found empty on that bright, beautiful morning. It's like looking into his eyes and seeing a love you didn't know existed.”

Throughout The Forge, that love has become so real and genuine, as I have served in ways that I never thought I could, stretched myself in ways that made me grow, and learned what life truly can look like when you commit to loving the Lord your God with all your all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might, and loving your neighbor as yourself.

Thank you for coming alongside me in this journey and making it possible through so much encouragement, prayer, and support. I am excited to begin teaching in the fall and apply so much of what I have learned to my career as a teacher and to my life as I continue to follow where the Lord leads.

So much love and thank you again,
